USU Weather

Network Overview

The observatory is an enhanced weather station located near the center of the Utah State University campus in Logan, Utah. Built in 2011, it is operated by the Department of Plants, Soils and Climate. The observatory provides continuous real-time weather data for the campus and is an educational resource for students in the environmental sciences. It also serves as the department’s test platform for new, innovative measurement sensors. The station measures more than 20 weather components, including atmospheric visibility and carbon dioxide in the air. Campbell Scientific and Apogee Instruments generously provided much of the technology necessary to make these measurements. See for additional station information, links to related resources and real time and graphical data. Please contact us for additional data needs:

Download Variables
Variable Units Statistic Type Description
datint observation interval
netname character UCC network name
site character station location
siteID numeric station ID
timestamp datetime date and time
Batt_volt_Min volts minimum battery voltage
AirT_Avg °C average air temperature
AirT_Max °C maximum air temperature
AirT_TMx time time of maximum time of maximum air temperature
AirT_Min °C minimum air temperature
AirT_TMn time time of minimum time of mininum air temperature
SolarMJ MJ/m2 total short wave solar radiation
WindS_Max ms maximum wind speed
WindS_TMx time time of maximum time of wind speed maximum
WindS_Avg ms average wind speed
WindD_Avg degrees average wind direction
WindD_SD degrees average wind direction
EA_Avg kPa average vapor pressure
RH % relative humidity
RH_Max % maximum relative humidity
RH_TMx time time of maximum time of maximum relative humidity
RH_Min % minimum relative humidity
RH_TMn time time of mininum time of mininum relative humidity
Td_Avg °C average dew point temperature
Td_Max °C maximum dew point temperature
Td_TMx time time of maximum time of maximum dew point temperature
Td_Min °C minimum dew point temperature
Td_TMn time time of mininum time of mininum dew point temperature
ETo mm total grass reference evapotranspiration
ETr mm total alfalfa refrence evapotranspiration
wet_pct % total surface wetness replicate 1
Precip mm total precipitation
Rso MJ total Clear sky solar radiation
NetRad_Avg w/m2 total net radiation
PPF_Avg unmol m-2 average photosynthetically active radiation
SWUp_Avg w/m2 average incoming shortwave radiation
SWDn_Avg w/m2 average reflected shortwave radiation
LWUp_Avg w/m2 average incoming longwave radiation
LWDn_Avg w/m2 average reflected longwave radiation
pressure kPa sampled atmospheric pressure
pressurekPasealevel kPa sampled atmospheric pressure corrected to sea level
CO2_Avg ppm average atmospheric CO2 concentration
SurfaceT1_Avg °C average canopy temperature replicate 1
SurfaceT2_Avg °C average canopy temperature replicate 2
visibilitykm km sampled atmospheric visibility
visibilitykm_Avg km average mean atmospheric visibility
fan_RMP_Avg rpm average aspirated fan speed
Variable Units Statistic Type Description
datint observation interval
netname character UCC network name
site character station location
siteID numeric station ID
timestamp datetime date and time
AirT_Avg °C average air temperature
AirT_Max °C maximum air temperature
AirT_TMx time time of maximum time of maximum air temperature
AirT_Min °C minimum air temperature
AirT_TMn time time of minimum time of mininum air temperature
SolarMJ MJ/m2 total short wave solar radiation
WindS_Max ms maximum wind speed
WindS_TMx time time of maximum time of wind speed maximum
WindS_Avg ms average wind speed
WindD_Avg degrees average wind direction
WindD_SD degrees average wind direction
EA_Avg kPa average vapor pressure
RH_Max % maximum relative humidity
RH_TMx time time of maximum time of maximum relative humidity
RH_Min % minimum relative humidity
RH_TMn time time of mininum time of mininum relative humidity
Td_Avg °C average dew point temperature
Td_Max °C maximum dew point temperature
Td_TMx time time of maximum time of maximum dew point temperature
Td_Min °C minimum dew point temperature
Td_TMn time time of mininum time of mininum dew point temperature
ETo mm total grass reference evapotranspiration
ETr mm total alfalfa refrence evapotranspiration
wet_pct % total surface wetness replicate 1
Precip mm total precipitation
NetRad_Avg w/m2 total net radiation
PPF_Avg unmol m-2 average photosynthetically active radiation
SWUp_Avg w/m2 average incoming shortwave radiation
SWDn_Avg w/m2 average reflected shortwave radiation
LWUp_Avg w/m2 average incoming longwave radiation
LWDn_Avg w/m2 average reflected longwave radiation
pressure kPa sampled atmospheric pressure
pressurekPasealevel kPa sampled atmospheric pressure corrected to sea level
CO2_Avg ppm average atmospheric CO2 concentration
SurfaceT1_Avg °C average canopy temperature replicate 1
SurfaceT2_Avg °C average canopy temperature replicate 2
visibilitykm km sampled atmospheric visibility
visibilitykm_Avg km average mean atmospheric visibility