Utah Evapotranspiration
The map below shows the Evapotranspiration(ET) for different GHCN stations in Utah. The darker colored regions reports more moisture than the lighter regions. The regions without color means that we have no data to report on that region.
The markers are colored and labelled as follows:
- higher : When the current ET of the station is more than the average ET for that station during a 7-day window calculated over the past 30 years.
- lower : When the current ET of the station is less than the average ET for that station during a 7-day window calculated over the past 30 years.
- noCurrentData : We have no current data to report yet for that station.
To get a historical data for a particular station follow the steps below:
- Zoom in slightly on an area within Utah
- Click on any marker
- An interactive chart will appear to view your data
This page works best on a desktop or tablet for now.
This utility has been developed in partnership with the Bureau of Reclamation for the WaterSMART project.