Helena MT - E5549
Data is up through July 26, 2024
Growing Degree Days since January 1:
Change Station:
Apple Maggot
Biofix: January 1, 2024
Degree Days since Biofix:1837
Management Action 1 Week Ago:none
Present Management Action:none
Management Action for the Next 3 Weeks:none
For a current Apple Maggot summary click here.
Biofix: January 13, 2024
Degree Days since Biofix:2613
Management Action 1 Week Ago:none
Present Management Action:none
Management Action for the Next 3 Weeks:none
For a current Billbugs summary click here.
Cereal Leaf Beetle
Biofix: May 6, 2024
Degree Days since Biofix:1509
Management Action 1 Week Ago:none
Present Management Action:none
Management Action for the Next 3 Weeks:none
For a current Cereal Leaf Beetle summary click here.
Codling Moth - Trap Biofix
Biofix: May 14, 2024
Degree Days since Biofix:1070
Moth Flight: 10% of moths in 1st generation have emerged
Egg Hatch: Egg Hatch is over for the season
Management Action 1 Week Ago:July 20 - First Generation end of egg hatch.

Your last insecticide spray of the first generation should provide protection up to this date.
Present Management Action:July 28 to July 30 - Second Generation egg hatch begins.

Start sprays (Delegate, Altacor, Assail, Belt, Intrepid, etc.) and continue every 14-21 days until end of egg hatch, which corresponds to 2100 degree days (typically 2-3 additional sprays depending on temperatures).
Management Action for the Next 3 Weeks:August 10 to August 12 - Second Generation, start of peak egg hatch.

Make sure fruit is protected at least through the peak period, which ends at 1700 degree days.
For a current Codling Moth - Trap Biofix summary click here.
Fire Blight
*This model only applies when trees are in bloom.
Greater Peachtree Borer
Biofix: January 1, 2024
Degree Days since Biofix:1044
Management Action 1 Week Ago:July 19 - If you are not using a pheromone trap to detect first moth emergence, start your trunk sprays now (if damage is present from previous year). Only treat the lower 12-18" of trunk and exposed roots, using permethrin, carbaryl, lambda-cyhalothrin, etc. Maintain protection through September.
Present Management Action:none
Management Action for the Next 3 Weeks:none
For a current Greater Peachtree Borer summary click here.
Obliquebanded Leafroller
Biofix: June 26, 2024
Degree Days since Biofix:533
Management Action 1 Week Ago:July 18 to July 21 - Egg hatch of first generation begins. Apply a treatment that targets larvae. Options, in order of efficacy are: Delegate, Altacor, Intrepid (add adjuvant), Entrust, or Sevin. All last approximately 14 days, except Entrust, which lasts 7. A second application may be necessary based on orchard history and scouting.

July 22 - If using a Bt product (Bacillus thuringiensis, organic) apply now. Products like Dipel only last 5-7 days and may need to be reapplied to last the larval stage. Note that larvae need to ingest the Bt for it to work. Bt will not work on mature larvae.
Present Management Action:none
Management Action for the Next 3 Weeks:August 13 to August 15 - End of first generation egg hatch.

August 21 to August 22 - Second generation moth flight begins.
For a current Obliquebanded Leafroller summary click here.
Peach Twig Borer
Biofix: June 10, 2024
Degree Days since Biofix:851
Moth Flight: 0.6% of moths in 1st generation have emerged
Egg Hatch: Egg Hatch is over for the season
Management Action 1 Week Ago:July 24 - End sprays for first summer generation. (Egg hatch ends.)
Present Management Action:none
Management Action for the Next 3 Weeks:August 12 to August 17 - Begin sprays for second summer generation. Choose a later date in this time span if damage was light in your orchard last year. These dates correspond to 5% - 16% egg hatch.
For a current Peach Twig Borer summary click here.
San Jose Scale
Biofix: May 14, 2024
Degree Days since Biofix:1011
Males: 31.8% of adult males in 1st generation have emerged.
Crawlers: Crawlers is over for the season
Management Action 1 Week Ago:none
Present Management Action:none
Management Action for the Next 3 Weeks:none
For a current San Jose Scale summary click here.
Spotted Wing Drosophila
Biofix: January 1, 2024
Degree Days since Biofix:1264
Management Action 1 Week Ago:July 25 - Continue servicing traps. Adult emergence of the 2nd generation of flies is peaking at this time.
Present Management Action:July 26 - Continue servicing traps. Adult emergence of the 2nd generation of flies is peaking at this time.
Management Action for the Next 3 Weeks:August 5 to August 6 - Continue to keep fruit protected with insecticides if spotted wing has been confirmed on your fruit farm.

Peak egg-laying by 2nd generation flies is now occurring.

August 18 to August 20 - Continue servicing traps. Adult emergence of the 3rd generation of flies is peaking at this time.
For a current Spotted Wing Drosophila summary click here.
Walnut Husk Fly
Biofix: January 1, 2024
Degree Days since Biofix:2166
Management Action 1 Week Ago:July 18 to July 19 - First adult emergence. If using spinosad or GF-120, start applications now and continue until harvest (apricot, peach) or until one month before harvest (walnut).
Present Management Action:July 28 - Mature females. If using conventional insecticides, start applications now and continue until harvest (apricot, peach) or until one month before harvest (walnut).
Management Action for the Next 3 Weeks:August 6 - Females have begun egg-laying. They insert eggs inside the host nut or fruit.

August 13 - Egg hatch begins inside host nut or fruit.

August 14 - 10% of adults have emerged.
For a current Walnut Husk Fly summary click here.
Western Cherry Fruit Fly
Biofix: Not established yet for 2024
Degree Days since March:2166
Management Action 1 Week Ago:none
Present Management Action:none
Management Action for the Next 3 Weeks:none
For a current Western Cherry Fruit Fly summary click here.